Isu dakwat telah menyebabkan Suruhanjaya Pilihan Raya (SPR) yang kini dipengerusikan oleh Tan Sri Rashid telah menjadi kencaman oleh pelbagai pihak. Dakwat yang pada mulanya dicadangkan oleh pihaknya itu bertujuan untuk mengelakkan kes penipuan semasa pilihan raya yang akan diadakan nanti kini telah menyebabkan SPR dan beliau dikencam hebat terutamanya daripada ahli parti pembangkang.
Kini amat jelas dakwat yang dikatakan akan dicalit pada jari pengundi itu telah pun mencalit muka SPR dan juga Tan Sri Rashid itu sendiri. Pengumuman beliau tentang pembatalan penggunaan dakwat tersebut telah menimbulkan banyak persoalan dan bantahan dari segenap pelusuk tanah air. Namun hakikatnya SPR sudah semestinya mempunyai alas an yang kukuh untuk membatalkan penggunaan dakwat tersebut itu nanti.
Seperti yang diberitakan, SPR terpaksa membatalkan penggunaan dakwat tersebut kerana pihaknya telah mendapati terdapat unsure-unsur penipuan yang sedang diusahakan oleh pihak-pihak tertentu dalam melaksanakan misi penipuan mereka semasa pilihan raya nanti.
Namun demikian, apa yang ingin dipersoalkan di sini adalah mengapa isu penggunaan dakwat yang diketengahkan itu tidak dikaji secara lebih mendalam sebelum ianya di umumkan oleh pihak SPR disuatu masa dahulu? Apakah tujuan penggunaan dakwat itu diperkenalkan oleh pihak SPR? Berbagai-bagai spekulasi dan persoalan boleh dimainkan berkenaan hal ini.
Di sini amat jelas menunjukkan bahawasanya pihak SPR telah melakukan kerja seperti melepaskan batuk ditangga sahaja. Ia bagaikan satu ekperimen pembaharuan yang ingin dilakukan tanpa mengkaji terlebih dahulu akan kesan-kesan atau risiko yang akan dihadapi. Atau pun, adakah pengenalan kepada penggunaan dakwat itu adalah semata-mata untuk menutup mulut mereka yang sering berdemonstrasi?
Disamping itu juga, dengan pengumuman itu telah menyebabkan beberapa kesan (kesan tarikkan atau penolakkan ) yang terpaksa ditanggung oleh parti-parti politik sama ada terhadap parti pemerintah atau parti pembangkang yang akan bertanding nanti.
Dengan pengumuman itu, pihak kerajaan telah pun dilabelkan sebagai berpakat dengan pihak SPR dalam penentuan undi di masa pilihan raya nanti. Pihak kerajaan juga telah dibebankan dengan satu lagi permasalahan di saat-saat akhir pilihanraya diadakan yang memerlukan sesi penjelasan kepada rakyat jelata. Kemungkinan kehilangan undi bagi mereka yang merasakan kredibiliti pihak SPR dalam menjalankan serta melaksanakan system pengundian secara adil dan telus.
Bagi pihak pembangkang pula, sudah semestinya keadaan ini merupakan satu lagi isu yang menarik dan boleh diguna pakai dalam menjalankan kempen-kempen mereka agar rakyat terus menyokong mereka. Saya percaya, kesilapan SPR ini telah pun menguntungkan pihak pembangkang (memberi kemenangan secara tidak langsung) dalam menyakinkan rakyat akan kelemahan yang ada pada SPR. Tidak keterlaluan jika saya katakana bahawasanya rakyat jelata sedang marah dan kemungkinan berlaku pertambahan undi bagi pihak pembangkang pada pilihanraya nanti.
Kencaman demi kencaman, cercaan demi cercaan dan berbagai lagi cara digunakan oleh pihak tertentu dalam menghentam pihak SPR. Demonstrasi, mogok, malahan ada yang telah mengugut Tan Sri Rashid dengan menyimbah cat pada pagar rumahnya. Keadaan ini telah pun menjadi serius. Kebencian rakyat terhadap beliau telah membuat-buak.
Jika mengikut keadaan sebelum dan kin tentang SPR ini, saya juga bersetuju bahawasanya adalah adil jika Tan Sri Rashid bersara (pada masa hadapan) bagi mengelakkan keadaan yang lebih teruk yang akan terjadi sama ada terhadap parti pemerintah atau pembangkang, terhadap ahli-ahli parti politik, terhadap SPR dan juga terhadap beliau sendiri.
Dalam mengembalikan ‘ketelusan’ pihak SPR yang kini didakwa tidak telus oleh pihak tertentu terutamanya dari parti pembangkang, saya mencadangkan agar mereka yang akan berada dalah SPR (terutamanya bagi jawatan-jawatan penting) hendaklah terdiri daripada ahli parti pemerintah dan parti pembangkang. Jika organisasi SPR itu sendiri terdiri daripada gabungan mereka yang berlainan parti, saya percaya tiada lagi tuduhan-tuduhan yang dilontarkan ( sama ada betul atau salah) terhadap SPR di masa-masa akan datang.
Walau apa pun, pengumuman pembatalan penggunaan dakwat telah pun di buat oleh pihak SPR . Pilihan raya akan tetap dilaksanakan mengikut hari yang telah pun ditetapkan. Ia juga dijalankan seperti amalan pilihan raya yang lepas dan saya percaya ianya tidak akan menjadi halangan untuk kita mengundi secara adil dan telus dalam memilih wakil kerajaan dan bakal kerajaan yang bakal dibentuk nanti.
1 ulasan:
List of racial discriminations in Malaysia, practiced by government as well as government agencies. This list is an open secret. Best verified by government itself because it got the statistics.
This list is not in the order of importance, that means the first one on the list is not the most important and the last one on the list does not mean least important.
This list is a common knowledge to a lot of Malaysians, especially those non-malays (Chinese, Ibans, Kadazans, Orang Asli, Tamils, etc) who were being racially discriminated.
Figures in this list are estimates only and please take it as a guide only. Government of Malaysia has the most correct figures. Is government of Malaysia too ashamed to publish their racist acts by publishing racial statistics?
This list cover a period of about 50 years since independence (1957).
List of racial discriminations (Malaysia):
(1) Out of all the 5 major banks, only one bank is multi-racial, the rest are controlled by malays
(2) 99% of Petronas directors are malays
(3) 3% of Petronas employees are Chinese
(4) 99% of 2000 Petronas gasoline stations are owned by malays
(5) 100% all contractors working under Petronas projects must be bumis status
(6) 0% of non-malay staffs is legally required in malay companies. But there must be 30% malay staffs in Chinese companies
(7) 5% of all new intake for government army, nurses, polices, is non-malays
(8) 2% is the present Chinese staff in Royal Malaysian Air Force (RMAF), drop from 40% in 1960
(9) 2% is the percentage of non-malay government servants in Putrajaya. But malays make up 98%
(10) 7% is the percentage of Chinese government servants in the whole government (in 2004), drop from 30% in 1960
(11) 95% of government contracts are given to malays
(12) 100% all business licensees are controlled by malay government e.g. Approved Permits, Taxi Permits, etc
(13) 80% of the Chinese rice millers in Kedah had to be sold to malay controlled Bernas in 1980s. Otherwise, life is make difficult for Chinese rice millers
(14) 100 big companies set up, managed and owned by Chinese Malaysians were taken over by government, and later managed by malays since 1970s e.g. MISC, UMBC, UTC, etc
(15) At least 10 Chinese owned bus companies (throughout Malaysia, throughout 40 years) had to be sold to MARA or other malay transport companies due to rejection by malay authority to Chinese application for bus routes and rejection for their application for new buses
(16) 2 Chinese taxi drivers were barred from driving in Johor Larkin bus station. There are about 30 taxi drivers and 3 are Chinese in October 2004. Spoiling taxi club properties was the reason given
(17) 0 non-malays are allowed to get shop lots in the new Muar bus station (November 2004)
(18) 8000 billion ringgit is the total amount the government channeled to malay pockets through ASB, ASN, MARA, privatisation of government agencies, Tabung Haji etc, through NEP over 34 years period
(19) 48 Chinese primary schools closed down since 1968 - 2000
(20) 144 Indian primary schools closed down since 1968 - 2000
(21) 2637 malay primary schools built since 1968 - 2000
(22) 2.5% is government budget for Chinese primary schools. Indian schools got only 1%, malay schools got 96.5%
(23) While a Chinese parent with RM1000 salary (monthly) cannot get school-text-book-loan, a malay parent with RM2000 salary is eligible
(24) 10 all public universities vice chancellors are malays
(25) 5% - the government universities lecturers of non-malay origins had been reduced from about 70% in 1965 to only 5% in 2004
(26) Only 5% is given to non-malays for government scholarships over 40 years
(27) 0 Chinese or Indians were sent to Japan and Korea under "Look East Policy"
(28) 128 STPM Chinese top students could not get into the course that they aspired e.g. Medicine (in 2004)
(29) 10% place for non-bumi students for MARA science schools beginning from year 2003, but only 7% are filled. Before that it was 100% malays
(30) 50 cases whereby Chinese and Indian Malaysians, are beaten up in the National Service program in 2003
(31) 25% is Malaysian Chinese population in 2004, drop from 45% in 1957
(32) 7% is the present Malaysian Indians population (2004), a drop from 12% in 1957
(33) 2 million Chinese Malaysians had emigrated to overseas since 40 years ago
(34) 0.5 million Indian Malaysians had emigrated to overseas
(35) 3 million Indonesians had migrated into Malaysia and became Malaysian citizens with bumis status
(36) 600000 are the Chinese and Indian Malaysians with red IC and were rejected repeatedly when applying for citizenship for 40 years. Perhaps 60% of them had already passed away due to old age. This shows racism of how easily Indonesians got their citizenship compare with the Chinese and Indians
(37) 5% - 15% discount for a malay to buy a house, regardless whether the malay is poor or rich
(38) 2% is what Chinese new villages get compare with 98% of what malay villages got for rural development budget
(39) 50 road names (at least) had been changed from Chinese names to other names
(40) 1 Dewan Gan Boon Leong (in Malacca) was altered to other name (e.g. Dewan Serbaguna or sort) when it was being officially used for a few days. Government try to shun Chinese names. This racism happened in around year 2000 or sort
(41) 0 churches/temples were built for each housing estate. But every housing estate got at least one mosque/surau built
(42) 3000 mosques/surau were built in all housing estates throughout Malaysia since 1970. No churches, no temples are required to be built in housing estates
(43) 1 Catholic church in Shah Alam took 20 years to apply to be constructed. But told by malay authority that it must look like a factory and not look like a church. Still not yet approved in 2004
(44) 1 publishing of Bible in Iban language banned (in 2002)
(45) 0 of the government TV stations (RTM1, RTM2, TV3) are directors of non-malay origins
(46) 30 government produced TV dramas and films always showed that the bad guys had Chinese face, and the good guys had malay face. You can check it out since 1970s. Recent years, this tendency becomes less
(47) 10 times, at least, malays (especially Umno) had threatened to massacre the Chinese Malaysians using May 13 since 1969
(48) 20 constituencies won by DAP would not get funds from the government to develop. Or these Chinese majority constituencies would be the last to be developed
(49) 100 constituencies (parliaments and states) had been racistly re-delineated so Chinese voters were diluted that Chinese candidates, particularly DAP candidates lost in election since 1970s
(50) Only 3 out of 12 human rights items are ratified by Malaysia government since 1960
(51) 0 - elimination of all forms of racial discrimination (UN Human Rights) is not ratified by Malaysia government since 1960s
(52) 20 reported cases whereby malay ambulance attendances treated Chinese patients inhumanely, and malay government hospital staffs purposely delay attending to Chinese patients in 2003. Unreported cases may be 200
(53) 50 cases each year whereby Chinese, especially Chinese youths being beaten up by malay youths in public places. We may check at police reports provided the police took the report, otherwise there will be no record
(54) 20 cases every year whereby Chinese drivers who accidentally knocked down malays were seriously assaulted or killed by malays
(55) 12% is what ASB/ASN got per annum while banks fixed deposit is only about 3.5% per annum
There are hundreds more racial discriminations in Malaysia to add to this list of "colossal" racism. It is hope that the victims of racism will write in to expose racism.
Malaysia government should publish statistics showing how much malays had benefited from the "special rights" of malays and at the same time tell the statistics of how much other minority races are being discriminated.
Hence, the responsibility lies in the Malaysia government itself to publish unadulterated statistics of racial discrimination.
If the Malaysia government hides the statistics above, then there must be some evil doings, immoral doings, shameful doings and sinful doings, like the Nazi, going on onto the non-malays of Malaysia.
Civilized nation, unlike evil Nazi, must publish statistics to show its treatment on its minority races. This is what Malaysia must publish……….
We are asking for the publication of the statistics showing how "implementation of special rights of malays" had inflicted colossal racial discrimination onto non-malays.
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