Jumaat, 14 Mac 2008


UTUSAN MALAYSIA – (14-03-2008)

IZINKAN saya menyampaikan ucapan tahniah kepada Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi di atas pelantikan sebagai Perdana Menteri Malaysia tempoh hari. Walaupun mungkin menerima sedikit ‘isyarat awal’ pengundi, wajah Datuk Seri masih lagi menampilkan rasa keyakinan bahawa amanah ini akan dipikul dengan bertanggungjawab dan adil.

Sebagai anak muda Malaysia berbangsa Melayu, izinkan juga saya mengucapkan tahniah juga di atas kejayaan parti pimpinan Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang mendapat kepercayaan rakyat di Kelantan, Kedah dan beberapa negeri di mana Pas telah pun mendapat kepercayaan oleh rakyat berbilang kaum.

Apa yang berlaku semalam membuatkan saya menitiskan air mata. Menangis kerana buat pertama kalinya dalam sejarah 32 tahun hidup saya – saya dapat menyaksikan bagaimana ‘rupa bentuk’ sebuah kerajaan milik orang lain. Apa yang menjadi asas kepada pembangunan negara bertuah ini buat sekian lama; mudah benar ingin ditolak apabila kuasa tidak lagi berada di tangan ‘kita’.

Memang benar, ini pernah berlaku dahulu, namun pada tahun 1969 saya masih lagi belum lahir ke dunia yang fana ini. Terus terang, saya merasakan cukup hiba bila bangsa kita diletakkan dalam keadaan yang sedemikian lemah dan tidak mampu bersuara.

Pagi semalam, akhbar menyatakan bagaimana ‘titah sultan’ untuk memperkenan pelantikan Ir. Mohammad Nizar Jamaluddin juga ditolak bulat-bulat oleh DAP. Oleh kerana punya jumlah kerusi yang banyak – DAP mula mempersoalkan Undang-Undang Tubuh Kerajaan Negeri yang mahukan seorang ‘Melayu-Islam’ dilantik sebagai Menteri Besar. Hati saya cukup luka. Jiwa saya terhiris dengan sikap chauvistic parti seperti DAP.

Apakah benar PRU 12 memberikan isyarat kepada sebuah negara Malaysia yang sebenar-benarnya rentas kaum dan berbilang bangsa? Saya tidak punya keyakinan sedemikian. Rasa sedikit amarah rakyat tidak seharusnya dianggap oleh DAP atau mana-mana parti sekalipun sebagai petanda kepada politik ‘rentas kaum’ yang total. Ini hanyalah reaksi biasa kepada ketidakpuasan hati rakyat - yang akhirnya secara kebetulan diangkat menjadi ‘reaksi nasional’.

Pemimpin hebat tidak lahir dalam suasana yang mudah dan tenang. Pemimpin hebat selayaknya diuji dengan pelbagai situasi yang akhirnya menentukan kemampuan sebenar. Inilah ujian kepada Pak Lah. Dalam suasana politik yang masih lagi memerlukan penyesuaian – mungkin ada ruang kerjasama yang tidak pernah kita terfikir, boleh dilaksanakan – demi kepentingan orang Melayu secara keseluruhannya.

Kalaupun mampu dengan segala limitasi – untuk mengenali karakter dan cita diri Pak Lah; saya menjangkakan Pak Lah adalah seorang yang tidak gemarkan suasana konfrontasi yang akhirnya merugikan rakyat secara keseluruhannya. Namun, sebagai pemimpin, Pak Lah boleh membuka ‘jalan kerjasama’ yang selama ini menjadi cukup sukar dan menyesakkan. Ketenangan Pak Lah saat diasak kiri dan kanan – memberikan bayangan bahawa keputusan terbaik untuk orang Melayu/Islam boleh dicapai dengan meninggalkan sedikit ‘ego kepartian’ dan membuka ruang kerjasama ‘Melayu/Islam’.

Oleh yang demikian, dengan rasa rendah diri dan penuh takzim, ingin saya mengusulkan kepada Datuk Seri Abdullah dan Datuk Seri Hadi – untuk memulakan langkah perbincangan dan gerak kerjasama antara parti ‘Melayu’ terbesar di negara bertuah ini.

Keputusan kerjasama ini mestilah bermula dari pucuk pimpinan. Ya, kita boleh menerima hakikat jika kerjasama ini tidak berkekalan dan berpanjangan. Namun, orang Melayu mesti diberikan rasa keyakinan bahawa mereka masih punya tempat untuk menaruh harapan – dalam maruah kita dihenyak secara perlahan-lahan.

Sebagai permulaan kerjasama UMNO-Pas ini, fokus mesti kita berikan kepada usaha menentukan Menteri Besar Perak, diberikan kepada orang Melayu secara tanpa bahas.

Kerjasama UMNO-Pas peringkat negeri Perak akan membuka jalan kemungkinan agar Ir. Nizar terus ditabalkan sebagai Menteri Besar yang baru. Ini sebagai menghormati keputusan rakyat yang menginginkan perubahan kepada kaedah dan cara kita memimpin negeri. Sebarang polisi dan dasar negeri Perak boleh ditadbir urus dengan terbuka dan telus – dengan seorang wakil BN bertindak sebagai Timbalan Menteri Besar.

Tidak ada salah dan cacat celanya untuk kita mencuba kaedah mentadbir kerajaan secara ‘rapatkan saf’ ini. Inilah permulaan kepada budaya politik Melayu yang mampu mendapatkan sedikit hormat daripada rakyat. Atau kita terus terhimpit dengan politik ‘jerit pekik’ di dalam Dewan Undangan Negeri yang akhirnya merugikan kepentingan masyarakat Melayu secara umumnya.

Melayu yang hebat dan punya pendirian mesti dihormati. Demikian juga, kita tidak seharusnya memupuk rasa benci kepada pimpinan Melayu dari parti yang lain. Ideologi kita mungkin berbeza, namun dalam perkara-perkara yang menyentuh perpaduan Melayu dan maruah institusi raja – kita tidak boleh menerima penghinaan sedemikian rupa.

Kita tidak mampu lagi mempersoalkan ‘semangat Melayu’ mereka yang telah bersekongkol dengan DAP dan sebagainya. Dalam suasana ketidaktentuan kepimpinan di Negeri Perak Darul Ridzuan – ia memerlukan tindakan yang radikal dan luar jangka.

Bertemulah atas niat untuk memartabatkan Islam dan memperkasa Melayu.


Wangsa Maju, Kuala Lumpur.

6 ulasan:

Tanpa Nama berkata...

org melayu ke cina ke, india ke, kita kan bangsa malaysia

Tanpa Nama berkata...

The malay pig have drawn up a plan to displace all non-malays. They are discriminating against all non-malays. More and more non-malays are leaving.

You know why he/she need to leave……….? It is all because of those idiots who voted for the pig government to chase those talents out of this country.

This scenario would stay.

They would prefer to remain backward, so long as they are in control over you and me. I think they enjoy seeing non-malays 'begging' all the time.

Even though they are left far behind Korea, Taiwan and now Thailand is coming up strong. To them these are not competitors. In their narrow mind, the 'enemies' are local non-malays. Must suppress, by all means.

All malay pig are programmed to be promoted much faster ahead of non-malays the moment they join University Malaya. Soon University Malaya will be dominated by malay pig and the ranking will slip further.

Most of the malay pig in Malaysia cannot think clearly, their mind and thinking are clouded by such things as comfort zone, frog-in-a-well syndrome, ignorance, racial pride, stubbornness, etc.

Tanpa Nama berkata...

I am totally agree what you have said, those moron malays have no sense of 'malu'. For example, I find that most of those malay pig creature are dirty and smelly, but they still walking around proudly with that stinking and ugly look.

Another example is most of them are poor, they can't afford a big luxury car. When they saw Chinese or Indian driving a big car, they are feeling distress and jealous.

What a loser! Hey non-malays can afford a big car without depend on NEP policy. But you pathetic malay pig can't afford it even though with NEP policy help. Loser malay pig!

Tanpa Nama berkata...

Ask all malay pig go back to Indonesia.

The malay pig make Malaysia become rubbish country. Without malay pig in Malaysia - Malaysia country will become same as Singapore or Taiwan.

Where malay pig came from? Indonesia? Arab? Africa? What happened to our Orang Asli? They are the original settlers here, they should be the true real bumiputras. Not the babiputras we have here.

What is wrong with the babiputras? Highest crime rates, highest divorce rates, highest number of criminals, highest number of drug users, highest number of rapists.

A genetically flawed race (babiputras) cannot be fixed by politically.

What have we got now?

Brain drain, economic disparity getting wider, poor education system, racial segregation, widespread corruption, inefficiency and uncompetitive on the government departments and others.

Sad. Sad. Sad. The question asked by many of my fellow Chinese is this - Why can't you just tell the malay pig to adopt Chinese culture which is superior?

It makes no difference whether I am a Chinese, Indian or for that matter, anyone else, even a Mat Salleh. I am speaking as a human being to a malay pig like you.

If you malay pig don't like the non-malays here, then go back to Sumatra, Jawa, or wherever your ancestors came from, and give this land back to its rightful master, the Orang Asli.

If Malaysia is to divide into two countries with malay pig taking the east, and the west to the Chinese and the Indians - watch that the malay pig starting to migrate to the west illegally for a better future.

It is no wonder Singapore is a country which is 50 years ahead of Malaysia.

You know something - once outside the perimeters of Malaysia, these malay pig are so small in value even a dog has more value than them!

Everything in Malaysia is a joke when it comes to the malay pig. They are laughed at by everyone in this world for being incompetent, lazy, useless morons.

From research, this peninsular was part of the Siamese empire way before these malay pig from Indonesia invaded it.

Still so thick skin, don't want to go back to Indonesia.

Tanpa Nama berkata...

Yes, a lot of non-malays in Malaysia are leaving this country. But what the hell, they (babiputras) don't care. They are happy that we leave.

I do agree with you of those you mentioned, our country is stepping backward, we are loosing in all aspects and yet overdue and retarded ministers are still available on shelf. The ministers think that they are the only ones capable and qualified to be there and not replaceable, otherwise the country could collapse.

Looking at Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq likes looking at this country future. The well connected babiputras are getting richer. This government is spoon feeding the babiputras at this nation expense. I am sick of this country too.

My advise is let them rot in their own stew.

Tanpa Nama berkata...

F***k Muslims and all malay pig in Malaysia.

I feel ashamed to call myself a Malaysian nowadays because you malay pig are making us losing our pride day by day by corrupting the once dignified image of this country, you know Malaysia is now a laughing stock among the non-Muslim countries in the world!

People despise this country still protecting the lame lot and not doing anything to improve the deteriorating situation, still practising double standards among its own people, still expelling the non-malay genius to other countries, still depriving the rights and benefits of other races to its own race, still criticize and blame the Chinese for their minority poverty.

Hey, what is wrong with you malay pig? Haven't you fed yourself enough with the loots yet? Still want more? What a worthless thieves bunch!

You malay pig are worse than a maggot. We need a leader not a faggot to rule this country. Get lost you freak!

For all the bad things you stupid melayu babi say about the Chinese, when you are in trouble and big shit, what do you do?

You come crawling back on your knees to the Chinaman to help you, because you can't trust all your malay pig who are sodomy rapists, incest culprits, drug addicts.

Without the Chinese, you malay pig will still live on trees, swinging from tree to tree like monkeys, or forages on the ground by your 4 legs to eat all the shit.

You malay pig are a truly ungrateful lot - the minute all the Chinese leave Bolehland - you malay pig will collapse into the sea and die - that is your destiny!

I think the problem of malay pig race is their culture - it is in born in their gene - nowhere in the world that you will see affirmative action is focusing on the majority because it is always the minority that need the protection.

Worst, the minority in Malaysia has been systematically marginalized just to suppress them of their growth.

Let the malay pig make Malaysia the most corrupted place to live in and see what happened in 2020? I guess malay pig will go back to Indonesia as Malaysia don't belong to them, they are also immigrants from Sumatra, Sulawesi, Jawa, etc.

Please get it into your pea-sized otak udang plastered with layers and layers of tahi babi encased in your kepala kayu that Malaysia belong to the Orang Asli who are the true bumis of the country.

Niffy pellmell malay pig are in fact pendatang haram who swam across the Melaka Strait illegally from Sumatra. They should be caught, given severe caning and deported back to their pig sties in Sumatra.