Ahad, 30 Mei 2010


Hangat ketika ini... isu-isu yang mungkin dipandang sepi oleh sesetengah pihak. Namun bagi rakyat jelata.. ianya bukanlah satu isu kecil yang boleh diketepikan begitu sahaja.


Isu ini sudah lama diperkatakan. Ianya sudah menjadi satu buah mulut dikalangan rakyat jelata sejak beberap bulan lalu. walau apa pun yang dilakukan oleh pihak yang berwajib, terutamanya pihak KPDNHEP..namun ianya semakin hari semakin parah jadinya.

Keparahan yang paling ketara adalah terpaksa ditanggung oleh pihak peniaga runcit secara kecil-kecilan. Syarat terbaru dan TERKINI yang dikenakan oleh pemborong adalah... Gula hanya dijual kepada regular customer sahaja..itu pun kena berbelanja melebihi RM 300++ untuk mendapatkan satu peti @ 24bag gula. 1 bag = 1kg..

Jika kita bukannya yang dipanggil regular customer, maka setengah peti sahaja diberikan!!!..

Harga 1 bag seperti yang diarahkan oleh KPDNHEP adalah RM 1.65. Tetapi amat malang sekali jika harga yg dibeli sepeti adalah bersamaan RM 40.00 @ RM 1.67/bag!! Jika diambil kira harga yang disyorkan, dimana MODALnya?? Dimana letakknya kos pengangkutan...dan bla..bla...

Jika di selidikki, kebanyakkan peruncit kecil-kecilan akan menjual dengan harga RM 1.80/bag dan mungkin akan mencecah RM 2.20/bag... satu harga yg rendah diri bagi menampung kos-kos lain yang terpaksa ditanggung. Namun malangnya, harga tersebut akan mendedahkan peruncit tersebut kepada tindakan undang-undang oleh KPDNHEP.

Bagi saya.. kenaikkan harga dalam lingkungan 20 sen ke 40 sen adalah tidak membebankan rakyat sama sekali berbanding dengan bekalan yang terputus. Terputusnya bekalan akan menyebabkan kegiatan ekonomi rakyat akan terganggu.

Bagi peruncit, gula merupakan salah satu BAHAN PELARIS untuk menarik pelanggang. Tiada gula maka berkuranglah pelanggang yang akan memasukki kedainya. Maka barangan lain akan tidak terjual dan ini akan merugikan peniaga.

Kerajaan harus ingat, kebanyakkan peniaga runcit adalah terdiri daripada kalangan orang melayu. Mereka ini bergantung harap kepada pemborong dari kalangan kaum lain untuk mendapatkan bekalan barangan runcit untuk kedai mereka.

Masa ini bukanlah masanya pihak kerajaan atau pun KPDNHEP bercakap soal harga..subsidi atau pun tidak!!!.. mereka seharusnya bercakap soal bekalan..jangan dikira soal belian PANIK atau pun sikap menunding jari kepada pengguna atau peniaga.. .. soalnya sekarang adalah BEKALAN yang terputus.

Rakyat kini bukan bercakap soal harga subsidi atau pun harganya.. rakyat bercakap soal bekalan. Selesaikan isu bekalan dahulu baru bercakap soal harga.

Bayangkan... jika dalam 5 ke 10 buah kedai yang dikunjungi, hanya satu kedai sahaja yang ada bekalan gula... apa perasaan anda??


Seperti yang telah saya sebutkan dalam artikel saya yg lepas, sudah 50 tahun Negara merdeka..tetapi rakyat kita masih tidak merdeka dengan isu air. Tibanya musim kemarau, maka berbunyilah kaset lama yang diputarkan setiap tahun. Kena dengan waktunya.

Saya tidak mahu sentuh negeri-negeri lain. ISU AIR NEGERI KELANTAN. Saban tahun sahaja isu ini berbunyi. Tidurkah mereka-mereka yang ditugaskan untuk menjaga bekalan air itu? Jika lima tahun lepas rakyat dah bising... tahun lepas pun berlaku perkara yang sama...tahun ini berulang lagi... apa yang sedang tuan-tuan semua lakukan??? Makan gaji buta ke??

Dimana majlis perancangan negeri?? Di mana ketua-ketua pengarah?? Dimana wakil-wakil rakyat?? sembunyi bawah meja ke??

Tiada perancangan untuk tempoh 5 tahun.. 10 tahun.. 15 tahun... atau pun 20 tahun?? Tiadakah unjuran penggunaan air oleh rakyat yang disediakan oleh tuan-tuan semua.

Adakah sikap TERHANTUK BARU TERGADAH menjadi pegangan tuan-tuan selama ini?? Takde komplen maka tak payah buat apa-apa??

Jangan sebut lagi pasal penggunaan telaga.. air sungai...air bawah tanah... atau sebagainya..Itu merupakan option ke-2 bagi masyarakat atau rakyat. mereka memerlukan air bersih yang dibekalkan oleh pihak berwajib.. terutamanya mereka yang tinggal di taman-taman yang baru dibangunkan.

Di sini terus terang saya nyatakan bahawasanya kerajaan Kelantan telah gagal dalam menguruskan akan hal ini. Semoga adanya perubahan yang segera dalam menyelesaikan masalah kekurangan atau ketiadaan bekalan air ini.

8 ulasan:

Tanpa Nama berkata...

kita nak sokong kerajaan negeri, jadi berkorban kerana air adalah suatu perkara kecil saja..kan..kan..

YANG GAMBI berkata...

Salam bro, kawan setuju sangat dgn sarana tuan, kalau sekarang ini kebanyakan penduduk telah membeli gula melebeihi dari harga kawalan, maka tidak salah rasanya kalau harga gula dikurangkan lagi subsidi oleh kerajaan.... apa erti subsidi kalau ada pihak lain yang mengaut keuntungan, sedangkan rakyat tetapi juga menanggung beban apabila gula disorok....

San berkata...

Dr Mahathir is the worst thing that has happened to this country. He continues to spew venom. Why? All he cares about is himself, his family, his relatives, his friends and his cronies.

It doesn't require a PhD to analyze the reasons why many malays are still poor for the new economy in spite of the NEP and all we hear - the true reason for the failure of the malays are MAHATHIR MAHATHIR MAHATHIR……….and nothing else.

Mahathir biggest achievements are not the white elephant KLIA, the robber highways, the meaningless Twin Towers, ghost town Putrajaya, failed MSC, sweat shop factories run with foreign labour, etc.

His true achievements are the destruction of good governance, law and order, quality education, religious brotherhood, peace and harmony.

yuking berkata...

It is blatantly obvious to everybody except Umno gangs. That is because they are corrupted, suffering from denial syndrome, regressive Muslims, low IQ and living in the past. They would rather see and prefer the nation going to the dogs than having meritocracy and doing away with NEP.

Otherwise, how does one explain the rot and malaise this country is suffering?

fargoman berkata...

Little did I know the life changing experience I was to face when I took up the opportunity to be trained in Germany back in 1972 after my A level.

On completion, I spent three years working in Singapore saving enough for a one-way ticket to UK for further studies. Graduated in 1979 with a degree in mechanical engineering and employed by ITT (International Telegraph and Telephone) in London, I was sponsored to continue a part-time master degree in computer science.

By mid-1980s, I was awarded a grant in robotic research at Imperial College. And further studies concluded an MA in e-business.

Having worked and lived in UK for 25 years, it was time to look back on my root in Malaysia. Initial programme by Malaysia government to lure back expertise did not impress me.

By this time I was married with two kids studying in better schools in UK than I can imagine possible in Malaysia. Fortunately I had the hindsight not to uproot my family back to Malaysia.

I understood the affirmative action to uplift the malays during my time. It was understandable and accepted by my generation in return for the right as citizens in Malaysia. In my eyes Umno had breached the contract with the non-malays.

Being born in Malaysia before 1957 and in the spirit of independence, my returning to help build a better Malaysia has been a mistake. I will not go into details here.

A short note should suffice for now. My trying to contribute to society by way of investment and helping the local students in predominantly poorer malay district was repeatedly delayed and later rejected for no reason at all or flimsy and it took me three years.

Contrast this with my experience of setting up and running a company in UK and Singapore in less than a month.

For those who are thinking of coming back to Malaysia I would advise them to think again. The only thing that attract me back to Malaysia in the first place was my connection to my parents who were in Malaysia and too frail to travel. Once they are gone, I have no more reasons to return.

For those who think I have sold my heritage by taking up British citizenship should know that there are no official policies to discriminate minorities in UK.

In fact minorities are often supported, as in the case of my kids Chinese language class, are provided free by the local government. We are judged by my abilities not on color of our skin or our beliefs.

Meanwhile my entire family has taken up British citizenship. I may have lost my right as Malaysian citizen but not the right to visit or stay in Malaysia (silver hair and second home program). My kids will never miss Malaysia (you can’t miss what you did not have) and will look forward for a brighter future.

For those who are staying back to fight for their birthright as equal citizens in Malaysia, you have my support and admiration. I apologise for not being able to be with you for now and I hope you understand my decision. But I will in my own way contribute from afar to help in other ways.

To the Malaysia government, I quote, “You cannot build courage and character by taking away a man’s initiative and independence.” – Lincoln

kok berkata...

Well, UMNO managed to achieve one thing. The BTN-type morons, have been overwhelmingly successful in brainwashing todays 27 million citizens.

Who says that the peninsular was always called Tanah Melayu? This is a recent British term!

Tanah Melayu was never the name until the British came and colonized the peninsular.

Malai means hill in Tamil; as to describe the Titiwangsa range on the said peninsular since the 2nd century by the Gujerati traders who set up their formidable Hindu empire at Lembah Bujang.

oversee berkata...

The truth hurts.

The Chinese or the yellow race is what brings progress. Just look at Asia……….is enough.

Whether they do it internationally or locally they will survive.

We can distinctly see the lowering of Malaysia standards of living as the percentage of Chinese in this country goes down.

In the 70s we were tops with 40 over percent of Chinese and today with only 25 percent we are far behind Singapore, Hong Kong and Korea.

Main reason is the number of such Chinese migrating to these countries - the best ones and rich ones.

Next ten years as the percentage goes even lower, we would be nearing Indonesia or Philippines.

Meanwhile enjoy your stay and the good time.

On the whole as the Chinese spreads out throughout the world, the average standards of these will have much higher standards of living over others.

romsam berkata...

The name Melayu is an Indian word to denote hills or mountain range. There is a place in south India called Melayur.

Indigenous people who marry Muslim Indians from Melayur identified themselves as Melayur.

Over time, as the malay kingdom spead through insular SEA, the word Melayur became simply as Melayu.

If one were to do genetic test on the modern malay in Peninsula Malaysia, they would invariably carry genetics from Indian to explain the darker complexion and kinky hair of most malays as opposed to the Mongolid look of some malays of original Malayo Polynesian, Dusun or Dayak stocks.

The real natives or indigenous people of the Peninsula Malaysia can be found in the northern parts of Peninusla Malaysia apart from the aborigines.